Converting Currencies
The main motivation of EZ Currency is to provide a simple way to convert currencies using Norges Bank’s API. Their API is reliable and provides great data, but it can be difficult to parse for a developer just trying to get some simple conversion numbers. The rates are updated around 16:00 CET every day.
Convert one to many
If you wish to get the conversion rates of all supported currencies to a specific currency, you can do so using the following endpoint:
For example, if I want to know how much I get of each currency for 100 Norwegian Krones (NOK), I would make the following request:
Which would return the following response:
Convert selected currencies
You can also convert one currency to another using the following endpoint:
For example, converting 1 EURO to USD:
Which returns the following result:
Note that the values returned are in an array. That is because you can also convert X amount of currencies to Y amount of currencies using comma separation as such:
This will return the conversion rates of 1 USD to GBP and EUR, and 1 CAD to GBP and EUR: